Adult Activity Services
The Adult Activity Services is a private, non-profit corporation (tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code) which provides a variety of training opportunities to adults with mental retardation in the Counties of Greensville, Surry and Sussex, and the City of Emporia. The organization currently provides services to approximately 80 disabled individuals who attend the Centers from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily. Four levels of services are provided as follows: Intensive Day Support - Functional training in the areas of self and social awareness, sensory stimulation, gross and fine motor skills training & development, and communication and personal care. Clients receiving this service often require physical assistance just to meet basic personal care needs. Regular Day Support - Developmental skills training in the areas of self-help skills, survival skills, community living skills, and functional academics Work Adjustment Training - Development of work tolerance, acceptance of supervision, and specific job skills training. Long Term Sheltered Employment - Remunerative employment as one option in the rehabilitation process for clients who have mastered Work Adjustment skills, but cannot be readily integrated into the competitive labor market. Services components includes mobile work crews for janitorial and lawn maintenance contracts, on-site material handling jobs (bulk mail out processing, braid contracts, various packaging contracts), and a fully operational woodworking shop.
Our organization currently receives funding from the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, the Department of Medical Assistance Services, Local Tax Dollars, Department of Rail and Public Transportation, Department of Rehabilitative Services, Department of Education, Production Revenue, and Private Contributions. Tax deductible contributions may be mailed to 307 East Atlantic Street, Emporia, VA.