Greensville Volunteer Rescue Squad
Greensville Volunteer Rescue Squad
The Rescue Squad is primarily to provide pre-hospital emergency care to the sick and injured and to promote safety consciousness. It is required of each member to be certified at the EMT-B level and to be the best that he or she can be at providing pre-hospital emergency care at that level. Advanced life support certification is encouraged of all members.
The mission of the GVRS is to assist in the saving of life, to provide pre-hospital emergency care and to foster safety consciousness in the community.
The GVRS, Inc. has served the Emporia-Greensville area since August 1, 1963. Initially the squad provided Basic Life Support pre-hospital emergency care. Today the squad is certified by the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services at the Advanced Life Support level. The Squad operates today with (41) forty-one active members.
Emergency Medical Technician-Basic is a the minimum level of training. Members are encouraged to attain ALS certification. Additionally all members must be certified in Emergency Vehicle Operations.
An annual EMT-B class is made available to the public. Class size is limited to (25) twenty five students. The course begins in early October and ends in late April.
The GVRS, Inc. is located at 513 South Main Street, Emporia, Virginia. Facilities include a large meeting room and recreation room, board room, executive offices, kitchen, two rest rooms and a bunk room.
Total Calls-
Time Worked (Man Hours)- 2,231 Miles Traveled- 19,429
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The GVRS, Inc. is prepared to respond to emergency calls on a 24 hour, 7 day a week basis. All rolling stock (emergency vehicles) are equipped with up-to-date tools of the trade.